Before and after: 37 pounds, swelling (see
puffy hands to the left), and all diabetic drugs gone.
Bradley got type 2 diabetes in his forties, then he got fatty liver. Then the really bad thing happened.
He went to the diabetic clinic for help and was recommended a low-fat diet. Despite following it “to the letter”, he rapidly gained 15 pounds (7 kg) and needed to double his insulin doses, while feeling like he was starving! It obviously did not work.
Even though the clinic threatened to kick him out, he decided to do the opposite: a low-carb diet. A year later, everything has changed.
The E-Mail
Dr. Eenfeldt,
Just wanted to through you an email and say thanks! Thanks for doing what you do, you really are one of the all time best spokespersons for this lifestyle, with your website! Great information all through it!
My story is pretty much the same as everyone’s… too short for my weight :). The usual problem as a kid growing up, then oh wow, I got older, how did that happen? So, at 45 I learned that I was Type II Diabetic… knew it was going to happen as most of my life I was told it was just a matter of time. As my mother and both Grandmothers in the same boat with diabetes. I would love to say that this scared the H@#$ out of me, but it did not. I continued on my way through life and at age 50 had an eye opening experience when I was put on insulin. How did this happen I remember asking myself?
It was not the jabbing myself everyday with insulin that bothered me, that was easy. It just felt like something was taken from me. At that moment I was the youngest family member to go on insulin. Of course at this point of my life this was minor, there was the kidney issues, the fatty liver, the not healing and a whole host of other issues. All of which did not bother me. What really got me was going to the diabetic clinic and going on the low-fat diet! In two weeks following the diet to the letter I gained 15 lbs. and my insulin went from 30 units to 50 units…and yes, I was starving!
Something was drastically wrong, but what? I started to question modern medicine; boy did that go over well. Was told to not question my treatment and follow it and with hard work I could live a “pretty normal life”. What? Taking drugs to eat what you are told to eat is normal? I remember asking myself. Then at 51 hold the phone, congratulations! You have non-alcoholic liver disease. WTF… OK this one took all the air out of my sail.
I turned totally inward for a while and then really started to question what the hell was going on. I was pissed… I’m doing what I was told and got worse! Oh yes, diabetes is a progressive disease. Bull, I started to do the research, started with the Atkins life style and found myself missing something, yes I was, the diabetic clinic, they refused to see me as soon as I refused to follow their diet.I was pissed… I’m doing what I was told and got worse!In three days on Atkins my insulin was gone! Wow, but remember all of that protein will “kill your kidneys” is what I was told. This was a good for about 2 months but my body was missing something. Did not know what. So my path ended up being Atkins, Paleo, ketogenic and LCHF life style. This took well over a year to bio-hack my own body to see what would work and what did not. Wow, was that an eye opener.
If you want to see how bad or good a food is, take it out of you diet for two weeks, then add it back and see what happens? Like bread, two weeks none, put it back into my diet and felt like I was poisoned, wait, I was. That was the last time I ate bread of any kind!
So lets see where we are, back in the day 51 units of Insulin, 2 Glyburide, 4 Metformin for my diabetes, plus others. As of today (August 3/16 after my most recent medical appointment) – no diabetic medication at all, and I have cut my blood pressure meds in half. Kidney function is normal and so is my liver function J. Wow, all that fat is really hurting my body!
There are so many people that have inspired me along the way, you being one of them. Really enjoy your website, yes, I’m a member. Always going back to it and revisiting. It is a great guide and resource. It truly becomes my motivation.
I just wanted to share my story with you and say THANK YOU! Your work really does help the rest of us get through the bad days. It truly is through people like you, that so many of us get a second chance.
My wife and I are registering for the Low Carb Cruise in Alaska 2017, seen you on the list of speakers. So looking forward to meeting you and all of the other speakers there. Sounds and looks fantastic! Can hardly wait.
Again, my story is no different that most others, except for the fact that mother is Type II and is still following the conventional ways… what a comparator! It is heart breaking as she gets worse and I get better.
Most of the people in my life think that I’m totally out of my mind doing this. But they all agree that it is hard to argue the results. As I have now lost 37 lbs (17 kg). For me it was never about weight loss it was about my non-alcoholic liver disease.Most of the people in my life think that I’m totally out of my mind doing this. But they all agree that it is hard to argue the results.Today I have stalled on my weight loss, but have pretty much figured out that I’m eating way too many nuts and too much dairy. Now working on that.
I really could not care if I lose another pound because I feel so great with all of the other “side-effects”. Better sleep, no joint pain, better mind power, more stamina… the list goes on.
Andreas, thanks again for the work that you and your team does.
Best Regards,
Bradley T. Watt
Congratulations on finding out how to reverse your diabetes, by thinking differently. I hope it will be possible for your mother to change too. People really should get better advice from their health care professionals.
See you in Alaska Bradley!
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The post “As of Today I Take No Diabetic Medication at All” appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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