Thursday, January 21, 2016

Low-Carb Challenge Day 4: Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled EggsScrambled Eggs4.4 out of 5 stars5 star67%4 star18%3 star7%2 star4%1 star2%82 ratings82 Strict low carbStrict low carbFat67%Protein24%Carbs1%1 g carbs / serving Easy 2 m0 minutes preparation2 minutes cooking time andreaseggs

While taking our two-week low-carb challenge so far I’m having the recommended scrambled eggs every morning. Unbelievably fast to do with a non-stick pan, plenty of butter and high heat, it literally takes like one minute.

Usually I don’t eat breakfast during weekdays but I could get used to this.

Are you taking the challenge? Do you stick to the recommended scrambled eggs or one of the other breakfast options? If so, which one is your favorite?

Take the two-week low-carb challenge

The post Low-Carb Challenge Day 4: Scrambled Eggs appeared first on Diet Doctor.

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